Highlights in Gibberellin Research: A Tale of the Dwarf and the Slender
Plant Physiology, 2024
Shani E, Hedden P, and Sun T.P
Cytokinin activity–transport and homeostasis at the whole plant, cell, and subcellular levels
New Phytologist, 2023
Hu Y and Shani E
Gibberellin and abscisic acid transporters facilitate endodermal suberin formation in Arabidopsis
Nature Plants, 2023
Binenbaum J, Wulff N, Camut L, Kiradjiev K, Anfang M, Tal I, Vasuki H, Zhang Y, Sakvarelidze-Achard L, Davière JM, Ripper D, Carrera E8, Manasherova E, Ben Yaakov S, Lazary S, Hua C, Novak V, Crocoll C, Weinstain R, Cohen H, Ragni L, Aharoni A, Band LR, Achard, Nour-Eldin HH and Shani E.
Multi-Knock – a multi-targeted genome-scale CRISPR toolbox to overcome functional redundancy in plants
Nature Plants, 2023
Hu Y, Patra P, Pisanty O, Shafir A, Belew ZM, Binenbaum J, Ben Yaakov S, Shi B, Charrier L, Hyams G, Zhang Y, Trabolsky M, Caldararu O, Weiss D, Crocoll C, Avni A, Vernoux T, Geisler M, Nour-Eldin HH, Mayrose I, and Shani E
Plant Hormone Transport and Localization– Signaling Molecules on the Move
Annual Review of Plant Biology, 2023
Zhang Y, Berman A, Shani E
ABCB-mediated shootward auxin transport feeds into the root clock
EMBO Reports, 2023
Jian Chen, Yangjie Hu, Pengchao Hao, Yuqing Zhang, Ohad Roth, Maria Njo, Lieven Sterck, Yun Hu, Yunde Zhao, Markus Geisler, Eilon Shani, Tom Beeckman, Steffen Vanneste
Hydraulic flux–responsive hormone redistribution determines root branching
Science, 2022
Mehra P, Pandey BK, Melebari D, Banda J, Leftley N, Couvreur V, Rowe J, Anfang M, De Gernier H, Morris E, Sturrock CJ, Mooney SJ, Swarup R, Faulkner C, Beeckman T, Bhalerao R, Shani E, Jones AM, Dodd A.C, Sharp RE, Sadanandom A, Draye X, Bennett MJ.
ABA homeostasis and long-distance translocation is redundantly regulated by ABCG ABA importers
Science Advances, 2021
Yuqin Zhang, Himabindu Vasuki, Jie Liu, Hamutal Bar, Shani Lazary, Aiman Egbaria, Dagmar Ripper, Laurence Charrier, Zeinu Mussa, Nikolai Wulff, Hussam Hassan Nour-Eldin, Asaph Aharoni, Laura Ragni, Lucia Strader, Nir Sade, Roy Weinstain, Markus Geisler, Eilon Shani
Transport mechanisms of plant hormones
Current Opinions in Plant Biology, 2021
Moran Anfang, Eilon Shani
Cell kinetics of auxin transport and activity in Arabidopsis root growth and skewing
Nature Communications, 2021
Yangjie Hu, Moutasem Omary, Yun Hu, Ohad Doron, Lukas Hoermayer, Qingguo Chen, Or Megides, Ori Chekli, Zhaojun Ding, Jiří Friml, Yunde Zhao, Ilan Tsarfaty, Eilon Shani
Cell‐type action specificity of auxin on Arabidopsis root growth
The Plant Journal, 2021
The GORKY glycoalkaloid transporter is indispensable for preventing tomato bitterness
Nature Plants, 2021
Characterizing gibberellin flow in planta using photocaged gibberellins
Chemical Science, 2019
Shira Wexler, Hilla Schayek, Kandhikonda Rajendar, Iris Tal, Eilon Shani, Yasmine Meroz, Roman Dobrovetsky, Roy Weinstain
A seed resource for screening functionally redundant genes and isolation of new mutants impaired in CO2 and ABA responses
Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019
Hauser F, de O Ceciliato P.H, Lin Y.C, Guo D, Gregerson J.D, Abbasi N, Youhanna D, Park J, Dubeaux G, Shani E, Poomchongkho N, J.I Schroeder
A Transportome amiRNA forward genetic screen identifies the auxin transport activity of ABCB6 and ABCB20 and exposes phenotypic plasticity in Arabidopsis
Nature Communications, 2018
Zhang Y, Naser V, Pisanty O, Omary M, Wulff N, Charrier L, Tal I, Hauser F, Hao P, Roth O, Fromm H, Schroeder J, Geisler M, Nour-Eldin H.H, and Shani E
The KNOXI transcription factor SHOOT MERISTEMLESS regulates floral fate in Arabidopsis
Plant Cell, 2018
O Roth, JP Alvarez, M Levy, JL Bowman, N Ori, E Shani
CRISPys: Optimal sgRNA design for editing multiple members of a gene family using the CRISPR system
Journal of Molecular Biology, 2018
Hyams G, Abadi S, Avni A, Halperin E, Shani E, and Mayrose I
Gibberellin localization and transport in plants
Trends in Plant Science, 2018
Binenbaum J, Weinstain R, and Shani E.
PHB3 maintains root stem cell niche identity through ROS-responsive AP2/ERF transcription factors in Arabidopsis
Cell Reports, 2018
Plant stress tolerance requires auxin-sensitive Aux/IAA transcriptional repressors
Current Biology, 2017
Shani E, Salehin M, Zhang Y, Sanchez S.E, Doherty C, Wang R, Mangado C.C, Song L, Tal I, Pisanty O, Ecker J.R, Kay S.A, Pruneda-Paz J, Estelle M
Studying Microstructure and Microstructural Changes in Plant Tissues by Advanced Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques
Journal of Experimental Botany, 2017
Morozov D, Tal, I, Pisanty O, Shani E, Cohen Y
Highlighting Gibberellins Accumulation Sites in Arabidopsis thaliana Root Using Fluorescently Labeled Gibberellins
Plant Hormones: Methods and Protocols, 2017
Schayek H, Shani E and Weinstain R
The Arabidopsis NPF3 protein is a GA transporter
Nature Communications, 2016
Tal I, Zhang Y,Egevang Jørgensen M, Pisanty O, Barbosa I.C.R, Zourelidou M, Regnault T, Crocoll C, Erik C.O, Weinstain R, Schwechheimer C, Halkier B.A, Nour-Eldin H.H, Estelle M and Shani E
Auxin response under osmotic stress
Plant Molecular Biology, 2016
Naser V and Shani E
Stronger sink demand for metabolites supports dominance of the apical bud in etiolated growth
Journal of Experimental Botany, 2016
TEMPRANILLO reveals the mesophyll as crucial for epidermal trichome formation
Plant Physiology, 2016
The glucosinolate breakdown product indole‐3‐carbinol acts as an auxin antagonist in roots of Arabidopsis thaliana
The Plant Journal, 2015
Gibberellins accumulate in the elongating endodermal cells of Arabidopsis root
PNAS, 2013
Shani E, Weinstain R, Zhang Y, Castillejo C, Kaiserli E, Chory J, Tsien R.Y and Estelle M
BSK s are partially redundant positive regulators of brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis
The Plant Journal, 2013
Shivakumar Sreeramulu, Yana Mostizky, Sukumaran Sunitha, Eilon Shani, Hadas Nahum, Dor Salomon, Liat Ben Hayun, Christian Gruetter, Daniel Rauh, Naomi Ori, Guido Sessa
A map of cell type‐specific auxin responses
Molecular Systems Biology, 2013
ENTIRE and GOBLET promote leaflet development in tomato by modulating auxin response
The Plant Journal, 2012
Hadas Ben‐Gera, Ido Shwartz, Mon‐Ray Shao, Eilon Shani, Mark Estelle, Naomi Ori
Gibberellin partly mediates LANCEOLATE activity in tomato
The Plant Journal, 2011
Osnat Yanai, Eilon Shani, Dor Russ, Naomi Ori
Negative reciprocal interactions between gibberellin and cytokinin in tomato
New Phytologist, 2011
S Fleishon, E Shani, N Ori, D Weiss
From organelle to organ: ZRIZI MATE-Type transporter is an organelle transporter that enhances organ initiation
Plant and Cell Physiology, 2011
Cytokinin regulates compound leaf development in tomato
The Plant Cell, 2010
E Shani, H Ben-Gera, S Shleizer-Burko, Y Burko, D Weiss, N Ori
Stage-specific regulation of Solanum lycopersicum leaf maturation by class 1 KNOTTED1-LIKE HOMEOBOX proteins
The Plant Cell, 2009
The role of hormones in shoot apical meristem function
Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 2006
Arabidopsis KNOXI proteins activate cytokinin biosynthesis
Current Biology, 2005
Osnat Yanai, Eilon Shani, Karel Dolezal, Petr Tarkowski, Robert Sablowski, Goran Sandberg, Alon Samach, Naomi Ori